01179 030075

Coombe Road, Bristol, Avon, BS5 6LE


Parents Page

 Welcome parents to your section of the website

Below are some useful links but feel free to contact the office in person or by phone if you would like more information or would like us to share something with our school community

Withdrawal of Consent - you can withdraw consent at any time by accessing your child's MCAS account, under 'parental permissions' or by contacting the main office - 01179 030075/enquiries@maypark.excalibur.org.uk

Click for Map in new window

                                        Walking Zone Link


5 Minute Walking Map

The map was created by Year 5 and 6 student of May Park- walking from the gates of the school in different directions for exactly 5 minutes. Use it to help plan where to park in order to get a five minute walk to school and avoid the worst of the traffic!

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Playground Markings

Playground markings supplier, Signet Play, are providing thermoplastic playground markings for our school.


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